About Us
Carmarthen Round Table is a non-political, non-religious association of young men between the ages of 18 and 45.
About Carmarthen Round Table
Run by our members for our members.
Table nights can vary with activities such as bowling, axe throwing, curry nights or wine tasting.
On other nights / weekends you might find yourself running a charity event or giving time to a local good cause.
Fundraising for local charities is a big part of what we do. Our flagship fundraising event is the Carmarthen fireworks and all the proceeds from this and other events are distributed to local good causes.
We are delighted to welcome new members between the ages of 18 and 45 who identifies as being, or lives as male.

Round Table Motto and History
The first Round Table was formed in Norwich in 1927. The founder, Louis Marchesi, was a young member of Norwich Rotary Club who felt a need existed for a club where the young men of the town could gather on a regular basis.
Our name comes from a speech from the then Prince of Wales, made in 1927 to the British industries fair:
“The young business and professional men of this country must get together round the table, adopt methods that have proved so sound in the past, adapt them to the changing needs of the times and wherever possible, improve them”.

Louis Marchesi
Founder of the Round Table movement.

King Arthur's Table
At Winchester Hall, source of the Round Table logo (roundel)
Aims and Objects
To develop the acquaintance of young men through the medium of their various occupations.
To emphasise the fact that one’s calling offers an excellent medium of service to the community.
To cultivate the highest ideals in business, professional and civic traditions.
To recognise the worthiness of all legitimate occupations and to dignify each his own by precept and example.
To further the establishment of peace and goodwill in international relationships.
To further these objects by meetings, lectures, discussions and other activities.
Round Table FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions

Our members are 18-45 years old. If you are male and older than 45 we recommend reaching out to 41 Club via https://www.41club.org. If you are female and older than 45 please reach out to Tangent via https://www.tangent-clubs.org. If you are older than 45 and identify as neither male or female please contact either organisation, who can introduce you to see which you feel is most appropriate.
We are not anti anyone... As modern, inclusive organisations both Round Table and Ladies Circle provide safe environments for all individuals.
Round Table Great Britain & Ireland is open to everyone ages 18-45 who identifies as being, or lives as male. This includes people who are cisgender, transgender, and those assigned male at birth who are nonbinary. Our sister organisation Ladies Circle is open to individuals who identify as being or live as female of the same age. 41 Club and Tangent represent the interests of members over 45 years old.
Round Table is age and gender identification specific, we are not anti anyone, we exist to accomplish very specific goals, which include the promotion of friendship amongst those who identify as male, in an age where male suicide is the #1 cause of death in men 18-45. The main issue for this is loneliness.
Round Table gives men an opportunity to build friends through shared experiences. Doctors have proven that strong male friendships reduce the suicide rate in this demographic.
Why such a specific age? When we were founded in 1927 young men felt they were not being listened to within their community, older established men were calling the shots. It's not so different today. Our movement allows men to develop leadership skills and innovate within their communities to bring about positive changes.
We know the above answer uses the words men and male - but as mentioned in other FAQs, the Round Table Family is open to all, no matter how they identify and we encourage anyone interested in membership to talk to us and find the club that best suits their needs.
Carmarthen Round Table is run by its members.
Round Table Great Britain and Ireland is a national association of local clubs like Carmarthen. For more information visit www.roundtable.co.uk
No, Round Table has nothing to do with Rotary.
No, Round Table has nothing to do with the Masons / Masonic Lodges.
Do More with Carmarthen Round Table
Do you want to have fun, build lifelong friendships and meet like-minded people?
If the answer is YES, then Carmarthen Round Table is the perfect place for you. At Round Table, we make amazing new friendships, gain wonderful new experiences, and make a difference.